Welcome to our page giving you a simple one stop reference for all your cedar roofing an siding downloads. Don't see what you need here, Contact us and we are sure we can find what you need.
Installation & Maintenance
- Cedar Bureau Roofing Application Hanbook
- Class A Fire Treated Shingle Applicaiton Instructions
- Class A Fire Treated Shake Application
- Class B & C Shake Application Instructions
- Cedar Maintenance Handbook
- CSSB Maintenance Video
- Cedar Care & Maintenance Pamphlet
- Cedar Shake and Shingle Association Application Handbook
- CSFM Listing #4150-1735-101
- ICC ES Evaluation Report - 1410
- Watkins PEFC Certificate
- NOA No #17-1211.09 Miami-Dade County, Florida
- Handsplit Resawn Shakes
- Tapersawn Shakes Brochure
- Red Cedar Shingle Brochure
- R&R and Grooved Sidewall Shingles
- CSSB Finishes & Coatings Brochure
- ColorSeal Brochure
- Fire Retardant Pressure Impregnated Handout
- Florida Building Code
- ICC Test Criteria
- Cedar Roof Insulation Fact Sheet
- US EPA CCA Responce Letter
- Fire Treated Wood MSDS
- CCA Pressure Treated Wood MSDS
- FSR Handout Brochure